Acacia risers

Jouez sur les hauteurs de vos buffets avec le set de 3 rehausses en acacia.
Pour simplifier son stockage les petites rehausses peuvent se ranger sous la grande.
Grande x1 53 cm 24 cm 15 cm
Petite x2 24 cm 24 cm 10 cm
Nettoyer à l'éponge humide et séchager, vinaigre blanc pour dégraisser.
Pieces per pack: 1
Pieces per inner pack: 1
Material: Bois
Dimensions: 53 cm x 24 cm x 15 cm
Color: Natural
Quantity (pack of 1 pieces)

We can customize your product : Find our process
  • Reusable : OUI Can be washed and used multiple times.
  • Recyclable : NON Discarded whilst sorting, revalued materials, and gives life to new products.
  • Compostable : NON The capacity to dissolve naturally in the presence of micro-organisms, in a humid and warm environment. The compost will subsequently feed the soil.
  • Biodegradable : NON Organic matter capable of decomposing in a favorable environment in less than one year, without any adverse effects on the environment.